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Tuesday, 16-Apr-2024

 Bandung-Aeromodeling >> Etalase>>
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Shows 1 - 10 of 34 Record(s), Page: <<First <Prev 1 2 3 4 Next> Last>>

ACP5621 - GWS/TP Plastic Prop 6”x4”
GWS/TP Plastic Prop 6”x4”
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 15,000

Qty :

ACP5622 - GWS/TP Plastic Prop 7”x4”
GWS/TP Plastic Prop 7”x4”
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 17,500

Qty :

ACP5623 - GWS/TP Plastic Prop 8”x4”
GWS/TP Plastic Prop 8”x4”
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 17,500

Qty :

ACP5624 - GWS/TP Plastic Prop 9”x4”
GWS/TP Plastic Prop 9”x4”
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 18,000

Qty :

ACP5625 - GWS/TP Plastic Prop 10”x4.7”
GWS/TP Plastic Prop 10”x4.7”
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 20,000

Qty :

ACP5626 - GWS/TP Plastic Prop 11”x4.7”
GWS/TP Plastic Prop 11”x4.7”
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 22,500

Qty :

ACP5627 - GWS/TP Plastic Prop 11”x6”
GWS/TP Plastic Prop 11”x6”
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 22,500

Qty :

ACP5628 - GWS/TP Plastic Prop 12”x6”
GWS/TP Plastic Prop 12”x6”
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 27,500

Qty :

ACP5629 - GWS/TP Plastic Prop 8”x4”R
GWS/TP Plastic Prop 8”x4”R
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 17,500

Qty :

ACP5630 - GWS/TP Plastic Prop 9”x4”R
GWS/TP Plastic Prop 9”x4”R
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 18,000

Qty :

Shows 1 - 10 of 34 Record(s), Page: <<First <Prev 1 2 3 4 Next> Last>>


  Produk Unggulan (lihat semua)

Price: Rp. 107,500
View: 1,000

Paket Combo Cessna 172 Electric cocok juga untuk pemula
Price: Rp. 2,930,750 / Rp. 3,049,500 / Rp. 3,249,500
View: 1,000

Price: Rp. 7,462,500 / Rp. 7,747,500 / Rp. 8,080,000
View: 1,000

  Tutorial Teranyar (lihat semua)

Perawatan Helicopter RC
Tata cara perawatan helicopter R/C ... (Lihat)
Date Created: 24-Feb-2014
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Analisis getaran pada Helicopter RC
Pada pesawat model tentunya umum jika terjadi getaran. Namun jika getaran tersebut berlebihan, akan dapat mempengaruhi performa terbang, terutama pada helicopter ... (Lihat)
Date Created: 21-Feb-2014
6672 people view it

Setting dan Menerbangkan Free Flight Glider R/C OPTIMAE 2500 Electric
Merakit dan membuat Free Flight Glider R/C OPTIMAE 2500 Electric. Untuk siswa yang belajar pesawat free flight namun di kontrol oleh Radio Kontrol ... (Lihat)
Date Created: 08-Apr-2014
11610 people view it

  Tutorial Unggulan (lihat semua)

Asyiknya Belajar Merakit Sendiri Pesawat Model
Pelajar juga bisa merakit Pesawat Pelangi 50 chuck glider dan Pelangi 70 rubber powered Glider ... (Lihat)
Date Created: 01-Jun-2013
13679 people view it

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