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Wednesday, 19-Feb-2025

 Bandung-Aeromodeling >> Etalase>> Balsa Stick
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  Balsa Stick

Shows 1 - 10 of 10 Record(s), Page: <<First <Prev 1 Next> Last>>

MATL6201 - Balsa Stick 3x3x910mm
Balsa Stick 3x3mm
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 850

Qty :

MATL6202 - Balsa Stick 4x4x910mm
Balsa Stick 4x4mm
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 1,000

Qty :

MATL6203 - Balsa Stick 5x5x910mm
Balsa Stick 5x5mm
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 1,250

Qty :

MATL6204 - Balsa Stick 6x6x910mm
Balsa Stick 6x6mm
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 1,700

Qty :

MATL6205 - Balsa Stick 8x8x910mm
Balsa Stick 8x8xmm
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 2,500

Qty :

MATL6206 - Balsa Stick 10x10x910mm
Balsa Stick 10x10mm
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 3,500

Qty :

MATL6207 - Balsa Stick LE 8x12x910mm
Balsa Stick LE 8x12mm
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 4,000

Qty :

MATL6208 - Balsa Stick LE 10x15x910mm
Balsa Stick LE 10x15mm
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 8,000

Qty :

MATL6209 - Balsa Stick TE 6x35x910mm
Balsa Stick TE 6x35mm
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 8,500

Qty :

MATL6210 - Balsa stick 40 x 910 x 6 mm
Balsa Stick
View: 1,000 times

Price : Rp. 12,000

Qty :

Shows 1 - 10 of 10 Record(s), Page: <<First <Prev 1 Next> Last>>


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Price: Rp. 825,000 / Rp. 950,000 / Rp. 1,150,000
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Airframe CESSNA 182 - 46 Skylane
Price: Rp. 1,250,000 / Rp. 1,565,000 / Rp. 1,932,000
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